Caregivers assist with bathing and cleaning clients in a shower, tub, or basin. They assist with helping clients get in and out safely. Caregivers can give a sponge bath, help soap, rinse, and dry.
Caregivers assist with dressing and removing articles of clothing and undergarments. Clients will receive assistance with special devices such as back or leg braces, corsets, elastic stockings, artificial limbs or splints.
Caregivers assist clients with getting on and off the toilet. Additionally, they assist with cleaning and emptying the commode, wiping and cleaning the body after toileting, managing clothing, but also bedpans.
Transfer assistance consists of moving from one sitting or lying position to another. Caregivers assist clients into a standing position and/or repositioning to promote circulation and prevent skin breakdown. They also assist with transferring a client in and out of a vehicle.
Caregivers assist with supporting adults with bowel and bladder problems. They assist with cleanup and accidents in a non-invasive manner, and help keep clients clean and free from sores. A caregiver can assist with diaper application, and disposable barrier pads.
Caregivers assist clients with reaching for, picking up, and grasping food. Clean up assistance of face and hands is also available. Our caregivers assist with meal preparation and grocery shopping will ensure they get a balanced meal.
Assistance with making sure medication is taken by reminding them, putting it out for them, and keeping an eye on it until they are taken. Caregivers also assist with ordering medication, picking it up and organizing it for the next day.
Caregivers assist with walking around outside or inside the home, changing locations in a room, and moving from room to room to engage in activities. Caregivers supervise continuously when clients are moving around.
Caregivers ensure clients remain active members of their community. They assist with keeping clients mentally alert through staying connected to their favorite activities and to the people around them.
Caregivers assist with running errands, assistance to and from appointments, family functions and outings. Transportation is important in keeping the clients active and connected to their loved ones.
Caregivers assist with taking care of the home, kitchen, and bathroom and with household activities such as cleaning, laundry services, grocery shopping, putting groceries away and cleaning up.